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Attention, Organization, Relaxation and Silence – [56 – Martis-XI]

Successful Practice

For a practice to be successful we need to integrate will, mind and emotion from below. Then bring that unification into the consciousness.

To believe is to will. The will is the impelling factor. Will is the longing, the yearning and the desire to work towards a result.

Concentration is to centre one's attention in the objective!


Attention and organization is what we always need. This takes one above being pendular and circumstantial.

A result is the combination of will, mind and emotion.

The will causes the result to happen. It is trust, conviction and determination.

Will creates. Will sustains. Will is cohesion, it unifies and it is like a magnet. Will amalgamates.

Tiphereth is will. Our practices should be organized around our will. Will is organization, order and also control. Will is very related to music, to sexual energy, and to creation.

In our will there is trust also!

We don't use our well because we don't trust in something. When you have your trust you have your will. Where there is distrust there is no will.

Trust is will in motion.

Power of Will

Once the mind is organized it, the essence is separate from the subconscious. Then the silence of the essence can reign over the mind.

Will is the power that makes things possible. The will or desire keeps the ego alive. When we do something wrong with our will it gets kidnapped by the Law and becomes an instrument to make us suffer. We then lose control over our will.

The Law Kidnaps our Will

The Law uses impediments, in our will. For example, it is our will to do something but we for some reason can’t. This is our karma here!

The impediment as an effect indicates the cause.

Our will must reach our causal world and body and then our death or will/yearning to die must then descend down from the causal world. This accelerates our psychological death.

End (50 - Martis-X)


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