Unrealistic Mind
The mind that is not realistic opens itself up to infinite
An unrealistic mind is the "what if'' mind. In such a mind
open to the unrealistic, fantasy takes over. Fear is an ego that puts the mind into
states of generating possibilities.
To be realistic is to begin to curtail fantasy.
To line from moment to moment is to be in reality and one
must grasp firmly onto reality. Especially when faced with the events of life.
We must work intensely on our karmic memory and the other
memories. When we have karma, we in our mind fight without possibility. When we
have karma we think in relation to impossibility. When we don't have karma we think
in relation to possibility.
The key of awakening is separation. Another very important key
is trust. We are all doing the work and this is the issue.
Sometimes, actually more often than not, it is better to
trust the work more than the Being. Only trust, based on facts and results is the
trust that helps us.
Every practice that we do must reach our will.
We have our inner scale with our interior from, residing in
our causal world.
Epigenesis is about being in control.
The golden embryo is needed to provide us with will. It is
so important to die because it gives us will.
In trust there is will which is sentiment and intelligence.
Trust is Wil, in motion.
We need trust. It is something very emotive and motor centre
When a person gives and takes, there is trust in that
We must trust in the moment of receiving. To love what we
have received. This is a dynamic type of trust.
All the values create. They are all active, none are
If we want Philip to wake up our consciousness we have to
really want it.
Trust is what makes Jinas and astral unfolding possible. We
need to also trust what we become on the path.
The practical side of trust in the Being starts with us accepting
our own reality. If we trust we trust the physical life our Being has placed us
Trust is also shown with facts. Every virtue is about cause
and effect. This, is the aspect of will in the value. Will is about cause and
The first point of trust in our Being is accepting our
physical reality we have been given. Because that is His will.
We trust the Being psychologically by accepting the
personality and the egos that we have. Here and now doing this, we accept the
psychology our Being has given us.
Trust our esoteric reality. Trust our karma and all the
elements of our esoteric reality. It is always pride that wants to change things,
like wishing to be a millionaire, a person with power, etc.
We should pray to the Being asking Him to bring and provide
people and the environment so that we can work.
Trust in the Being is 100% practical and it surely works.
Intelligence and sentiment combined is what creates trust.
Intelligence + Sentiment = Trust
If we trust the teachings totally we will make other
essences to also trust the teachings. When we trust we integrate with what we
End (57 - Mercurii-XI)
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