There are four stages of trust.
Mostly our cosmic capital is expressed in physical money and
in spiritual merit.
If we are given to matter we receive our cosmic capital in money
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
The first type of trust is corruptible and it is what can be
given and taken. If you do good by me, I trust you. If you do me ill, I
distrust you.
Trust is a cosmic value which comes from the Monad.
The second type of trust is the trust in the esoteric and
spiritual. It however depends on the outcome.
It is where we trust that the masters will help us, heal us,
protect us and guide us.
The third type of trust does not depend on any outcome. One
just goes and jumps, no matter what happens we still trust, whatever the
The fourth type of trust is the integration with the Being. The
key of this type of trust is reciprocity.
The secret of reciprocity is balance.
For every atom of trust that we send up to the Being, the
Being returns that trust to us.
If we have given light, love, sacrifice how can the Being
reciprocate with the opposite?
Don't be in duality! That is you and the Being! Be only one
and that oneness will cause you to trust.
The most important thing is the work.
The trust in your Being is to trust in ourselves. Love your
The Being does the path inside of us.
Trust gives way to faith. We create trust by knowing.
Trust is all that we are left with. We must start with trust
and gather wisdom.
Trust also humility, to accept them is a value us. Then we
need hope and work to do, to get the realisation.
When we are handed over the Being, then the karmic way of
our life will end.
Comprehension, elimination, liberation, awakening and use.
This is the process of the awakening of the essence.
The thing the Divine Mother does is to decapitate the ego.
Then the size of the ego decreases until it is the size of a baby or even smaller.
There are defects and they are made up of several
"I's". This is the process ke defect has one logic and each
"I" of that defect shares its logic.
Don't confuse personal experience with doctrine!
It is a principal that each monad must comprehend the
What is a principle is applicable to all essences.
Listen to the personal experience but do not apply it to
your path, work and life. All because we have different needs, urgencies and as
well as different structure.
End (54 - Saturni-IX)
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