The Stone is the Wisdom of the Being
The philosopher's stone is the wisdom of the Being. It is
the amalgamation of wisdom and powers of the Being synthesised in the Intimate Christ.
The stone Master Samael says has seven faces. With the first
six faces being the faces of a conventional cube, and the seventh face being
the centre of the cube.
The degree of objective consciousness one has obtained is
only known after the completion of the Great Work.
The wisdom in the stone is created by working with the
stone, which is to work with the primordial energy.
To acquire the Philosopher's Stone requires the work of
constant mystical death - liberating the trapped essence, and fixing gold onto
the internal bodies, which is what brings wisdom. Only after the sacred fire
has worked over the stone can gold cover the internal bodies.
Seventh Face and Objective Consciousness
The seventh face represents triumph, the seven bodies, seven
serpents, the seven faces which are the seven expressions of the one stone, the
philosopher's stone which is wisdom. Wisdom is gold, which is the consciousness
of wisdom – it is essentially the wisdom of gold.
The Intimate Christ is the consciousness of the Being in
gold, in matter and in the spirit.
The Philosopher's stone is the synthesis of the whole work,
that is why the philosopher's stone is the Summon of the Great work.
The highest expression of the work is the wisdom of the
Being. The maximum expression of the stone is objective wisdom.
The gold of the bodies symbolises the wisdom and knowledge
of the Being. Which is the most precious metal, and the most precious metal is
Mercury, wisdom and gold go hand in hand. Because mercury is
the messenger of the Gods and what the Gods always send us, is their wisdom. Therefore,
wisdom is the messenger of the Gods, and it is their greatest gift to us,
humanity. That is why the Intimate Christ teaches us and humanity, because contained
in Him is wisdom.
Wisdom Attained
The reason for the Being to enter into creation is to expand
His wisdom. Each time the stone is elaborated the Being's objective degree of
wisdom is increased.
The degree of objective consciousness is known by the number
of tridents on the horns of Lucifer. Note, that it is the Typhon as Lucifer,
the bringer of the light. Where that light has been extracted from the furthest
reaches of creation in the abyss.
Alpha and Omega
The philosopher's stone is at the beginning and end of
With the stone, we have something so that something new can
appear. Something disappears so that something can appear anew.
That is why the masters disappear from humanity, so that
they can appear in the Being. The results of the masters remain amongst
humanity always only as wisdom. Hence wisdom is their maximum and lasting gift
to us. Once the stone disappears, the wisdom in the stone remains and is left
The teachings that the masters leave behind show the degree
of objective preciousness obtained by the masters. The teachings of the masters
is their wisdom.
End (10 - Mercurii-XLIX)
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