Integration The buddhists say that the cause of all human disgrace and misfortune is ignorance. Human beings are ignorant of their true nature and the tree of life is their true nature. lntarama means first unfolding or development. There is no unfolding or development without the four. The law of four. Which is made up of the three forces plus the unity - the Absolute. The Holy TETRAGRAMMATON. There is always three. In any relationship there is three. The two parties plus a third, invisible factor, which is trust. If this invisible, third factor is missing that relationship will fail. The third invisible factor is the factor which ties, links or reconciles the two, keeping the two working or functioning together. There are really two integrations. One which occurs in the abyss and one within the Being. The integration within the abyss is where all the egos integrate into one large super ego. The other integration is the union of all the parts of the Being ...
This blog site is an attempt at transmitting the light from a marvellous Gnostic missionary, to you! With the hope that you too may benefit from it. Light after all, travels as far as it can… and is there to be seen by all those that can see...