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Showing posts from February, 2018

Integration, Holy Four, Subconscious & Karmic Psychology – [47 – Saturni-VIII]

Integration The buddhists say that the cause of all human disgrace and misfortune is ignorance. Human beings are ignorant of their true nature and the tree of life is their true nature. lntarama means first unfolding or development. There is no unfolding or development without the four. The law of four. Which is made up of the three forces plus the unity - the Absolute. The Holy TETRAGRAMMATON. There is always three. In any relationship there is three. The two parties plus a third, invisible factor, which is trust. If this invisible, third factor is missing that relationship will fail. The third invisible factor is the factor which ties, links or reconciles the two, keeping the two working or functioning together. There are really two integrations. One which occurs in the abyss and one within the Being. The integration within the abyss is where all the egos integrate into one large super ego. The other integration is the union of all the parts of the Being ...

Holy Spirit as the Provider – [46 – Veneris-VIII]

Provider of the Sexual Force There is a mantra to work with the cosmic Mother-the Great Provider to help us to manifest what we need here in the physical world. There is something similar with the Holy Spirit, in relation to the sexual energy. Where the Holy Spirit says: ''take all from me” in relation to the sexual energy, the sexual force and sexuality. If there is a real, authentic self-sufficient Being, then that would be the Monad, the Being Itself. The sexual force is the creative power of the monad. This means that we do not need anything outside of ourselves in relation to sexuality. All that we need we can obtain from our Third Logos. End (46 - Veneris-VIII)

Essence and Awakening – [45 – Martis-VIII]

More Essence the Better Liberating the essence, awakening the essence are the two main tasks. The more essence that we have free the more space our Being has in us. The more we make our personality, mind and emotion passive the more opportunity we give to our consciousness and the more it is going to wakeup. We can work with our interior Philip to awaken consciousness here in the physical and in the astral. In the astral our thoughts take life. But here in the physical world that does not happen. What is problematic about the astral is that we get immersed in the scenarios that we project. The level of alertness needed to stay awake in the astral is supreme. That is why it is easier to awaken here in the physical world. Consciousness What is consciousness? An example is that now we don't suffer when before we did. It is different to what we normally think it is. What is relevant for a person in the second state of consciousness is irrelevant for the p...

Fantasy and Imagination – [44 – Lunae-VIII]

Fantasy Fantasy is a background activity that is a mental projection. Fantasy is our own mind projecting images onto its own screen. The thing about fantasy is that we are doing something here physically and then in our background a certain fantasy unrelated to what we are doing physically is being projected onto our mental screen. Three Realities There are three realities. One which is physical and tangible to the senses, one that is psychological which is not seen or experienced by everyone. Then finally the esoteric reality. The definition of reality is that which we take to be real. Lies A lie is a bridge between the conscious mind and the subconscious. The subconscious provokes some wrong action and we use a lie to make the subconscious logical and acceptable. Basically a lies is an attempt to transform the subconscious into the logical and the acceptable. Sometimes the lie works well making the illogical and unacceptable excusable and reasonab...

Inner Philip and Fear Remedy – [43 – Veneris-VII]

Four Elements Positive Qualities We need the qualities of the elementals to be successful for astral and Jinas travel. To be awakened in the astral, we need the astral psychology, which is about the wise or conscious management of our emotions. Many times we fail in our astral experiences because we think and feel as we do here in the physical plane. Air moves everywhere and so does fire but not as extensively and quickly as air. Air and fire are more flexible. But earth and water do not move, they are more static. For our work in general we need the positive characteristics of the elements. Water fills something and it can be contained, but fire and air do not like to be contained. These two elements like to expand but water and earth are different, they are happy to be at rest. To be awakened in the other dimensions one has to acquire the psychology of that dimension. This is how we can actually become an inhabitant of that dimension. Philip tells us ...

Connecting Consciousness to Reality – [42 – Iovis-VII]

Life is Three Things: Activity, Time and Space There are three things: activity, time and space. Now days it has changed to: activity, time, space and mind. That is four things. Mind complicates all the events adding another dimension onto things, which is the dimension of the mind. Master Samael says that it is best to keep mind and emotion out of the practical matters of life. We must put our consciousness into the practical matters of life instead. Good is what has a convenient result for us esoterically speaking. Good and bad depends on our point of reference. Awakening To be awakened is to be in the activity, in the moment and aware or connected to the reality of the place. Activity, time and place. The rule of awakening is connecting to reality and using the consciousness correctly. Awakening is alignment. The consciousness amalgamates the three brains. When we align the centres of our hu...

Inner Philip – [41 – Mercurii-VII]

Mission of our Inner Philip Master Samael says that Philip has a precious gospel or mission. Among other things the gospel of Philip is to do with astral travel, travel in the states of Times, the awakening of consciousness and the processes of high magic. Philip also teaches that we need to open ourselves up to the astral and connect with the reality of the astral. Connecting with consciousness with reality directly helps us with this task or point of astral travel. Philip also teaches that we need the qualities of the four elements to travel in the astral. We need the strength, firmness and tenacity of the earth. The subtlety of the air, the adaptability of water and the enthusiasm, energy and will of fire. Practical Astral Keys We also need to lower the density of our mind to be successful in astral travel. Making our mind passive before sleeping is also very useful for astral unfolding. Refining our emot...

Karmic Situations – [40 – Martis-VII]

Three Elements There are three important elements in us: l.) State of consciousness 2.) Level of Being 3.) Merits. All Comes Down to Merits Paying karma is about merits. When the number, weight and measurement of our merits is greater than our karma we pay our karma. To surpass a karmic situation we need merits. The level of merits we have allows us to surpass relativity, or to not so easily surpass karmic situations in our life. When we are in a situation and nothing that we do helps the situation to improve, it is clear that we lack the merits to surpass the karmic value of the situation. When it comes to the law and karma, what pays the most are the merits that we have. Triad of the Consciousness, Level of Being and Merits State of consciousness, level of Being and merits are together. Merits are a causal factor that can cause karma to subside. Karma is actually demerits. Merits are causal, meaning that they can cause new situations. ...

Values, Spiritual Abilities and Science – [39 – Veneris-VI]

By Duality My values, your values are reflected in time and space. By duality we switch sides from one side to the other. For example, an honest man becomes a thief and the thief becomes honest. Rejection is the denial of having accepted something. What happens when we switch sides, is that the subconscious rises and the conscious part sinks. By duality what we have in our subconscious is the opposite of what is in our consciousness. Wherever I go I am and I take those principles and values with me. Keep the Abilities of the Spirit in the Spirit We enter into error when we come to believe that what we have is due to ourselves. What comes from the spirit must stay in the spirit. If we have some spiritual skills we should leave them in the spirit and not allow them entrance into matter. That is the common mistake that we all make. The best thing so as to not fall into error is to take heed of this ...

Life and Death – [38 – Mercurii-VI]

Parts of the Being Related to Physical Death The ego is the link between life and the Being. Life in the sense of creation. To escape from Death we need to have the life of the Being. To have the life of the Being we need psychological death. There are two parts of the Being in charge of the death of the master. One part is related to the Third logos and the other part is related the Second Logos. The Third Logos because, the Third Logos is related to the source of life. It is in fact the source of our vital life. And the Second Logos is resurrection; that power which defeats death with His death. We have the elements of death present already within us. The agents of death are all within us and Death activates them and so when She does the process of death of our physical body begins. The Being in us defeats Death and once Death has been defeated the death of the physical vehicle enters into the hands of the Being. Meaning the death of the person is no longer in ...

Epigenesis – [36 – Martis-VI]

Definition Epigenesis is to determine new circumstances that have not been conditioned by the past. To find the causes as to why we are here is revolutionary. Epigenesis allows us to determine the causes within us and so this will allow us to manage the law within us. Master Samael says that epigenesis is the result of conscious will. Will belongs to the electronic world making it very fast in manifestation. Control of Will and the Relationship Between the Mind and Will The way of controlling will is from above, meaning we need consciousness to control will. Consciousness is above will. The way to control will is to block the process of egoic will taking control from the very beginning. It is better that will descends from Tiphereth rather than will being dragged down from Netzach by the ego. To stop our will from being dragged down we need to know what conscious will is within us. To know what it is we must use it or see the end result. We can stop w...

Imagination and Fantasy – [35 – Lunae-VI]

Fantasy Escaping Fantasy is about escaping. It is an inward escape from reality, where the person escapes into their mind to find a set of scenarios and circumstances that don’t exist. Compensation Fantasy is always about compensation. We fantasise so to compensate for something in our psychology. Inmates may fantasize a lot because of the difficult reality in which they are in. We often fantasize to compensate for the reality that we dislike and reject. Desire Desire is also a very important factor in fantasy. It is about something in our psychology, a value that we can not accept. Environment Fantasy has a lot to do with the environment in which we are in. Cycle of Loss and Desire There is a cycle, where we have something then we lose it and then we want it back again. Karma is always the lack of something. Karma makes us to fantasize. Cause and Effect Cause and effect is about or beh...

Parts of the Being that Help Us to Deal With People – [34 – Veneris-V]

Difficult People There is a part of the Being that helps us to deal with difficult people. This part of the Being teaches us that we must first: appease , then listen , then lead and finally act . Friendly People There is also a part of the Being that helps us to relate with people who are friendly towards us. This part of the Being says that we must first: cooperate , then complement and finally act . End (34 - Veneris-V)