Epigenesis is to determine new circumstances that have not
been conditioned by the past.
To find the causes as to why we are here is revolutionary.
Epigenesis allows us to determine the causes within us and
so this will allow us to manage the law within us. Master Samael says that
epigenesis is the result of conscious will.
Will belongs to the electronic world making it very fast in
Control of Will and the Relationship Between the Mind and Will
The way of controlling will is from above, meaning we need
consciousness to control will. Consciousness is above will.
The way to control will is to block the process of egoic will
taking control from the very beginning. It is better that will descends from
Tiphereth rather than will being dragged down from Netzach by the ego.
To stop our will from being dragged down we need to know what
conscious will is within us. To know what it is we must use it or see the end
We can stop will from becoming a mental process if we question
the mind.
An indispensable condition to work on the ego is to separate
it from the mind.
We must bring ourselves back to reality as quickly as
possible when we are outside of it.
Once our mind is in some degree independent from the ego, we
can then really do the work.
Creating New Karmic Causes
Epigenesis is about not creating new karmic causes.
Karmic causes are causes due to conditions created by cause
and effect. Conditioned causes can only produce future conditioned causes and
Point ONE
The first point is to know how karmic processes work inside
of ourselves.
Karmic processes all start with an impelling force. In other
words from a desire.
A desire exists because we need to satisfy a need. When we
wish to satisfy a need, we are after an effect.
Point of Reference
We are tracking down the elements that harm our work, path
and our Being, that is when we look for causes in our life.
Our actions are either pro Being or pro life.
Even if we are not doing the work anything that we do
against the laws and principles is against our Being.
We must know what is good and what is bad for the work, the
path and the Being. We essentially use epigenesis to stop creating karmic
causes. It is very good to do a practice to review our life situation and see
the causes.
Point TWO
This is essentially about seeing see that we are always
about effects.
We can create a new cause by blocking a negative effect. Our
own consciousness creates an unconditioned cause. This unconditioned cause will
free us from everything slowly. We need to spend our life creating conscious
Epigenesis is above action and reaction.
Our last act of epigenesis will be to die consciously and to
embrace death. As soon as we are independent of effects we can be independent
of causes, by creating new causes. We have to bring the path and the work to us
as new causes.
New causes will open up new doors! We need new causes so to
generate new causes. We have to go to the side of the Being to create new
causes. To create new causes we have to change old causes. To make the origin
of our impulses the Being and the work is the key to create new causes.
This is to reset our relationship with our karma.
When we think by virtue of the Being, the path and the work
we will attract the work, the path and the Being.
The first practice to do related to epigenesis is to see the
series of causes and effects that brought us here right now. If we are failing
in one side of life choose the esoteric side of life.
What always creates the causes is desire and what is behind
the desire is the need to act. The remedy is a ‘no’ to the desire and a ‘no’ to
the need to act.
Epigones is freedom from ourselves.
End (36 - Martis-VI)
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