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Fantasy and Imagination – [44 – Lunae-VIII]


Fantasy is a background activity that is a mental projection.

Fantasy is our own mind projecting images onto its own screen.

The thing about fantasy is that we are doing something here physically and then in our background a certain fantasy unrelated to what we are doing physically is being projected onto our mental screen.

Three Realities

There are three realities. One which is physical and tangible to the senses, one that is psychological which is not seen or experienced by everyone. Then finally the esoteric reality.

The definition of reality is that which we take to be real.


A lie is a bridge between the conscious mind and the subconscious.

The subconscious provokes some wrong action and we use a lie to make the subconscious logical and acceptable.

Basically a lies is an attempt to transform the subconscious into the logical and the acceptable. Sometimes the lie works well making the illogical and unacceptable excusable and reasonable.

Lies are also to cover up and divert others from discovering and exposing the subconscious.

First Skill to Learn: Connect Consciousness to Reality

The first skill that we should develop is the ability to objectively connect to our reality.

When we deal with a human being we are dealing with a multiplicity not an individuality or a unity.
Connecting to reality implies a huge effort from our consciousness. We awaken when consciousness and reality coincide.

Our true identity is timeless and space less.


How can you be sceptical about that which you never knew before. We are only ever sceptical about that which our mind has previously registered. Those that once believed in God actually did believe in God before. But because of some failure or disappointment they turned their good-willed belief into ill-willed rejection.

This is because we lost that which we believed in, a void was created, a loss was present and that loss tuned into a need to be filled. Something needs to be compensated for, and what we end up using to compensate that loss with, is a negative emotion, opposite to the original emotion of belief.

Because our mind is not free we are always stopping ourselves, and because we do it to ourselves we do the same to others outside of ourselves. Imposing boundaries and borders, condition laws and rules. A mind free means a free world.

End (44 - Lunae-VIII)


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