Fantasy is about escaping. It is an inward escape from reality,
where the person escapes into their mind to find a set of scenarios and circumstances
that don’t exist.
Fantasy is always about compensation. We fantasise so to
compensate for something in our psychology.
Inmates may fantasize a lot because of the difficult reality
in which they are in. We often fantasize to compensate for the reality that we
dislike and reject.
Desire is also a very important factor in fantasy.
It is about something in our psychology, a value that we can
not accept.
Fantasy has a lot to do with the environment in which we are
Cycle of Loss and Desire
There is a cycle, where we have something then we lose it
and then we want it back again. Karma is always the lack of something. Karma
makes us to fantasize.
Cause and Effect
Cause and effect is about or behind fantasy. The need to
compensate is in karma and in fantasy. Our fantasy is always about compensating
for our pain and our lack.
End (35 - Lunae-VI)
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